Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comedians in Cars Getting Pregnant

Ronnie likes to watch animal shows.  I watch baseball.  But, sometimes the commentary of those animal shows filters into my hearing.  It doesn’t filter in accurately however especially when the commentator is British.

Tonight, I hear about “Comedians who are waiting to be fertile” with emphasis on “ferTYLE” in a British accent.  

I wondered about this comedian situation and mentioned it to Ronnie.  “Comedians are getting ferTYLE?”

“No, chameleons are getting fertile.”

“Oh, I thought it might be a new show, Comedians in cars getting pregnant.”  She likes that Jerry Seinfield comedians in cars thing getting coffee.

“Well, they wouldn’t be getting coffee then.”  

Quiet ensues for a minute.  Then, I hear, “Comedians are giving each other showers.”  Goodness only knows what those chameleons are doing now.  I ask.  My query is denied.

When comedians get fertyle they turn dark.

“Comedians are turning dark now?”

Then, I hear, “and he feels knackered.

I add, “I feel knackered at times,” with a lilting British accent.”

“You are knackered.  Would you just put in your earbuds and...”

“And, what?  Ferme le bouche?”

She laughs, “Uh-huh.”  I stop my comments and questions, but I never realized how strange the commentary on these animal shows can sound without the visuals.  Especially if one does not hear the nouns correctly even when wearing hearing aids.

I have never been one to pick out the correct noun when searching for a word.  Ronnie has long since gotten used to it.  She says it reminds her of her mother who used to say, “Crazy as a lagoon” and other popular mis-phrases.  Ronnie told me it’s “malapropism or dogberryism.”  Dogburyism sends me into a whole ‘nother direction.  She spelled it for me.  She also read me the definition.  I feel very informed now.  

As I age, it seems to be getting worse.  With hearing loss, I hear a lot of weird things spoken that I know simply cannot be true especially with audio media.  Or, I can't recall correctly.  For example, I just had to look up Jerry Seinfield’s name.  I was thinking it was Jerry Steinbrenner.  Fortunate for me, Ronnie can understand this strange language I speak.  “You mean Jerry Seinfield?”

“Yeah, you know.”

I have never been able to correctly hear the words of songs.  It doesn’t matter unless I sing the words in front of someone.  Ronnie seems to be able to hear the words quite clearly.  It leads to hilarity.  The good thing about this situation is that it makes Ronnie and I laugh really hard at times.  I mean really hard.  Sometimes, running to the bathroom hard...  It gives us hope for our aging selves.

Oh, dear, they are now talking about the “high quality of milk.”  Might I venture to say we have moved on from chameleons?  If not, there is more going on with them then I’m aware of. 

Maybe, chameleon milk is a thing.  They just talked about chameleons growing twice their body length.  God only knows what they are doing now.  He seems to be named, “Mr. Parsons” and something is going on at night.  I heard the word “copulation.”  I guess I know what is going on now.  The British bloke just said there is no miscommunication between male and female comedians.  At least someone has a clear understanding.  I guess more comedians will be born.

Good to know.  We need more laughter.




[Postscript:  Ronnie is also my editor.  Otherwise, knackered would be knockered.  She also informed me they were Parsons Chameleons but they are all given names.  Education is everywhere.] 

[Picture of green chameleon.]

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