Saturday, April 1, 2023

Governor’s Announcement

I am pleased to share that the governor’s office has tapped me for a special assignment for the next six months. As an economic downturn is forecast for the end of this year due to continued high interest rates and in anticipation of an increase in poverty rates among local communities, the governor has instructed all agencies with significant Olympia real estate to convert first floor space into community service specialty centers to serve those at greatest risk including distressed and unhoused individuals. He has directed agency reasonable accommodation specialists to coordinate with community service professionals including social workers, mental health providers, addiction recovery counselors, and emergency medics from JBLM. 

I have been instructed to collaborate with my agency executive leadership, enforcement, facilities, and safety on this high priority assignment. An executive order from the governor’s office is pending. HR management and facilities assure me that staff will have touchdown workspaces throughout our building with conference room assignment priority and continued ability to telework. I will be unavailable to my management and agency employees while I work closely with other agency reasonable accommodation specialists and coordinate with community liaisons. 

I have been waiting impatiently for state government to recognize that empty office space can be utilized to support our community. Finally, this is being acknowledged. 


[Note: This post was not developed nor written by any tools now commonly referred to as “AI” or GPT-4.]

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