Monday, April 8, 2024

HR Decision Spin Wheel

Props to State Government Innovation!

The Society for Human Resource Management has issued a new HR Decision Wheel for use in state government. In conjunction with the Office of Financial Management, the Governor’s Office has approved the proclamation below. My agency is participating. OFM awarded one of the HR Decision Wheels through this innovative pilot project to my agency because of our values and commitment to excellence. The pilot project will last until the end of 2024. All HR staff will be asked to complete an evaluation at that time for OFM to collect and determine the success of the project and how it improves HR decisions. If the pilot project is a success, state HR and OFM will begin rolling out HR Decision Wheels to all agency’s HR divisions once again demonstrating OFM’s leading edge commitment to provide outstanding support to state agency HR staff. Next time you are stuck for an answer, give the wheel a spin! If you have questions about this project, please contact your manager for more information. 

Proclamation text:

SHRM/OFM Approved

State HR Decision Spin Wheel

Washington State Office of Financial Management Proclamation: 

- whereas, it is identified that decisions in Human Resources are highly conflictual and contentious; and 

- whereas, all Human Resource professionals thrive with professional consultation; and 

- whereas, such professional consultation is now mandated by the Office of the Attorney General; and 

- whereas, all professional consultation must be fiscally responsible; 

- now therefore, the state of Washington Office of Fiscal Management does hereby endorse usage of the Human Resource Decision Wheel created by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

S/Director, Office of Fiscal Management 01/04/2024

Self-Appointed Morale Officer Program

I’m very pleased to announce that after years of tireless lobbying, OFM and State HR has finally approved the new Self-Appointed Morale Officer Program (SAMO) throughout state government. Each agency is required to identify two employees to fill this new and exciting role. As a Self-Appointed Morale Officer, you are empowered to tell coworkers, managers, and executives the truth such as, “As the Self-Appointed Morale Officer, I am urging you to schedule a vacation ASAP. You need a break. [And we need one from you.]” The program gives designated individuals carte blanche to give helpful, humorous, life sustaining suggestions to support employees at any level by telling the truth with kindness. If you believe you have the moxie to fill this new roll, reach out to your manager. All applications will be reviewed by previous Self-Appointed Morale Officers for quality control. This could be you!


The legislature has approved the new Carbon Zero Act (CZA) in this session and Governor Inslee signed the bill into law on 3/29/24. The program provides a monthly stipend to participating employees earning $10 per paycheck for those in the office over 50% of the week with $5 per paycheck for those in the office 20-50%. To realize the carbon foot print savings, employees select a desk set powered by either the tread mill, elliptical, or recumbent bicycle options to power a desktop power station including all laptops and monitors. Microsoft and Amazon have teamed to provide equipment to public employees. An FAQ will be provided by Facilities and Payroll in the next few months. The Governor applauded the legislature for passing this law to help curb climate change and urged employees to participate.